



The Essentials Club Make what you can and ethically source the rest! The Essentials Club is all about sharing the steps to become more resourceful and creative with crafting your own minimal, conscious wardrobe.
Sheep & Stitch Warm knitted goodness made by you! Learn how to knit beautiful patterns through step-by-step tutorials. Visit for more knitting fun!
Made to Sew Learn professional sewing and dressmaking techniques with our detailed tutorials. Check out our website for patterns, online and in-person classes as well as specialist supplies


Sewing 101 - Beginners Guide to Sewing This sewing 101 article will help point you in the right direction and get you sewing with ease in no time. If you have just bought a new sewing machine or are about to buy one, it can be a little bewildering knowing where to start learning to sew
Sewing 101: Sewing Basics Sewing, to me, is like a journey. You're always discovering new things and should be open to new ideas.
Sewing for Beginners Everything You Need to Learn to Sew
Knitting 101 A Beginning Knitter's Resource Guide

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