

             NATIVE AMERICAN

The full list of Indigenous People is beyond the scope of these pages.
I have provided a mere fraction of the varied cultures out there.
The link below will provide a more accurate depiction of how diverse and rich human culture truly is.  
Wikipedia List of Indigenous Peoples

1492 Christopher Columbus
1700 Disease and War
1830 Indian Removal Act
1838 Trail of Tears
1851 Indian Appropriations Act
1862 Homestead Act
1864 Navajo Long Walk
1876 Battle of Little Bighorn
1887 Dawes Act
1890 Wounded Knee Massacre
1891 Indian Education Act
1924 Indian Citizenship Act
1934 The Indian New Deal
1954 Indian Placement Program
1968 Indian Civil Rights Act
1969 Occupation of Alcatraz Island
1973 Occupation of Wounded Knee
1975 Indian Self-Determination Act
1978 Indian Religious Freedom Act
1978 Indian Child Welfare Act
1990 Natives American Languages Act
2016 Standing Rock Movement

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