


NAACP-LDF Contacting LDF for legal assistance, including the completion of this form, does not create an attorney - client relationship. LDF is not your lawyer.
LawHelp LawHelp helps people of low and moderate incomes find free legal aid programs in their communities, answers to questions about their legal rights and forms to help them with their legal problems.
VPLNET Volunteer Lawyers Project - Represents the people of Greater Boston. Our work is possible thanks to our staff and strong team of volunteers. We stand ready to provide you with legal help. To find out if you qualify, read through the information below.
Ask A Lawyer Specialties include Real Estate Law, Family Law, Employment Law, Immigration Law, Consumer Protection, Estate Law and more...
Legal Shield Schedule consultations at your convenience with LegalShield's network of experienced lawyers directly though the app with the press of a button. Join now and speak with a lawyer in as little as 4 hours after initial contact.
Pacific Justice Institute Pacific Justice Institute is a non-profit 501(c)(3) legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties. Our strategy is to coordinate and oversee large numbers of concurrent court actions through a network of hundreds of affiliate advocacy lawyers nationwide. And, according to former United States Attorney General Edwin Meese, "The Institute fills a critical need on the West Coast for those whose civil liberties are threatened."
Community Legal Aid Community Legal Aid, a non-profit organization that provides free legal services to low-income and elderly residents of Central and Western Massachusetts, is pleased to announce that four of its staff members have been selected to participate in the 2020 Racial Justice Institute, a leadership program organized by the Shriver Center on Poverty Law. The Institute is a ground-breaking program designed to equip, train and coordinate anti-poverty advocates to affirmatively advance racial equity.
Just An Answer Chat with a Civil Liberties Lawyer in minutes, 24/7
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American Bar Association Free Legal Help